PRP therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma) uses autologous, from the Patient's own blood manufactured, plasma that a Contains concentrate of blood platelets. The Treatment method among other things in painful diseases of the Musculoskeletal system, healing of chronic and acute Wounds, skin rejuvenation or promoting hair growth.
In the treatment of diseases, the body’s own substances have been used for many years. zen have been used and have proven themselves. Due to the industrial medication, the body's own potential is in the background. urged, but has been experiencing a new upswing for 15 years. New Therapeutic approaches use, for example, stem cells that are currently in studies The body's own adipose tissue is grown and applied in the laboratory. This me- method will continue to be observed in the future, but is currently too time-consuming and too expensive expensive. Another, simpler and faster method that
The production of the body's own wound healing factors from blood platelets, which so-called platelet rich plasma or PRP therapy for short.
Accelerates healing
The PRP is manufactured in a sterile environment and used immediately on an outpatient basis. To create PRP, you first need a venous blood sample taken with prp tubes
The platelets are separated from the other blood components within 9 minutes. The whole blood is separated into erythrocytes, the thrombocytes and the white blood cells by centrifugation. The The amount of PRP can be concentrated to 3 to 8 times the amount of platelets in the blood, so that about 20 ml whole blood around 5 ml PRP can be obtained, which contains various endogenous growth-promoting and ar- Contains throat-inhibiting proteins in concentrated form. The solution thus obtained is then applied to the affected joint or injected onto the affected structure. This therapy is used, for example, for osteoarthritis and overuse injuries in general common one to three times at weekly intervals to achieve an effect. Because PRP uses its own ma used and the body's own cells / stem cells stimulated, possible problems such as allergies or intolerance can be excluded. There are a number of other convincing factors that speak in favor of PRP therapy, such as few ge contraindications, short recovery time and long-lasting results, as well as the acceleration and improvement of the natural healing processes.
The platelets are separated from the other blood components within 9 minutes. The whole blood is separated into erythrocytes, the thrombocytes and the white blood cells by centrifugation. The The amount of PRP can be concentrated to 3 to 8 times the amount of platelets in the blood, so that about 20 ml whole blood around 5 ml PRP can be obtained, which contains various endogenous growth-promoting and ar- Contains throat-inhibiting proteins in concentrated form. The solution thus obtained is then applied to the affected joint or injected onto the affected structure. This therapy is used, for example, for osteoarthritis and overuse injuries in general common one to three times at weekly intervals to achieve an effect. Because PRP uses its own ma used and the body's own cells / stem cells stimulated, possible problems such as allergies or intolerance can be excluded. There are a number of other convincing factors that speak in favor of PRP therapy, such as few ge contraindications, short recovery time and long-lasting results, as well as the acceleration and improvement of the natural healing processes.
Osteoarthritis under control
Your own wound healing capital is optimally used in PRP therapy. So it is among other things with arthrosis and overuse injuries (tendon attachments such as the Achilles tendon, tennis elbow), one of the leading widespread diseases, indi- adorns. The therapy leads to faster healing, a reduction in inflammation, faster wound healing and like better blood flow to the tissue. This leads to an increased local occurrence of growth and wound healing factors: the proliferation and differentiation of different cell types, an increased collagen and proteoglycan production as well as the tissue inhibitor of metallo-proteinases, increased angiogenesis and the reduction of inflammation by changing the cytokine balance towards anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Counteract overloads
In the case of early and moderate osteoarthritis, local therapy leads to a reduction in inflammation and thus to a better blood circulation and mobility of the joint. Furthermore, the therapy has a positive effect on the Cartilage cells and the underlying bone. Also positive effects on cruciate ligaments, menisci, joint capsule, Joint mucosa and nerves are discussed. In the event of overuse injuries, the primary focus is on the development of the inflammatory processes in the area of the musculoskeletal system, which already indicate the areas of application: or chronic sports injuries and overloads, such as tennis elbow, patellar tendon and Achilles tendinitis or overload damage to the shoulder joint. In studies hasPRP therapy has been shown to be the Cortisone injection is clearly superior to tennis elbow. In many cases, the therapy leads to avoidance of from an operation.
Better healing process during operations
Another very promising indication is the use of PRP in major operations, such as a joint prosthesis. An overall less complication and faster healing process could be observed here. in the Individuals experience less bleeding during therapy and thus a reduction in blood transfusions, a a reduction in postoperative swelling, a reduction in pain after the operation and a lower level of infection on risk. Furthermore, this therapy is also used for smaller interventions such as jointoscopies, which leads to a faster healing and a reduction in the tendency to bleed. This is a positive influence on jointoscopies proven by many studies. The use of PRP during an operation in particular has clear advantages for the patient Patients, but also cost savings for the health system by shortening the length of stay in the hospital home as well as a faster return to work or sports ability.